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Brand Promise

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Frequently Asked Questions
All products are sold through Expedite LLC, a ResMed company.
Expedite does not accept any insurance. Expedite only ships to states where it is licensed to sell Durable or Home Medical Equipment. A list of states where Expedite is currently licensed is available in our Terms of Use.
Notice to Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries: Medicare and Medicaid will pay for durable medical equipment and supplies only if a supplier has a valid Medicare or Medicaid supplier number and meets all other Medicare and Medicaid enrollment and product coverage requirements. Expedite does not have a Medicare or Medicaid supplier number. Medicare or Medicaid will not pay for any medical equipment and supplies we sell. You will be personally and fully responsible for payment and agree not to appeal if Medicare is not billed.
Expedite is not providing medical advice and does not discuss or advise on any issues relating to medical treatment or diagnosis.